Health Risks of Open Reservoirs

The health risks of open reservoirs

Storing water in open reservoirs is like drinking from a bucket that’s been sitting outside for a week.

When treated drinking water is stored in open reservoirs, it allows the water to become contaminated with animal waste, fecal matter, bacteria and other pollutants. This can result in the presence of E.coli. Vibrio cholerae, Cryptosporidium and other contaminants in the drinking water.
To keep harmful bacteria and parasites from entering the drinking water, it’s important to store treated

drinking water in secure conditions. That’s why it’s important to replace the open drinking water reservoirs with enclosed water tanks.
Another challenge comes from the risk of lead in the drinking water. Although there is no lead in the water we deliver to our customers, lead can enter the drinking water when it comes in contact with lead pipes in older homes.
Open reservoirs are a roadblock to reducing the risk of lead in drinking water because they prevent us from applying treatments that can help. Some phosphates work great for controlling lead corrosion, but can also feed microorganisms in the reservoirs, making the water undrinkable.

two pipes with lead
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